A Week on the Blog

Here's a quick look on what I did last week in case you missed anything.


Let's start off with Need Me by Cynthia Eden. We all know how I feel about her books. I don't often get ones I don't like. Here's the link for that review. Then I reviewed Immortally Yours by Lynsay Sands This one is also really good even though at times I wanted to smack him upside the head. Here's the link The last book I reviewed was for my Reading Challenge. I tried new to me author Liz Paffel. I totally loved this one. If was fun and had a bit of a mystery to it. Here's the link for that review. 

Do you finish a book in one sitting or do you take a few days?

I'd love to hear your thoughts about this.

Here's the link to catch up on how my week went. 

4/10/23 Talk of the Town by Jennifer Bardsley
4/12/23 Mistletoe Season by Michelle Major
4/13/23 Obsession in Death by J. D. Robb


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