ARC Review: Finding Mr. Purrfect by Codi Gary

Charity Simmons may have great taste in friends, felines, and fruit tarts, but if there’s one thing the baker and co-owner of Meow and Furever Cat Café knows, it’s that she has horrible taste in men. Case in point: Will Schwartz. He may be the best friend of her best friend’s boyfriend, but after their one night together, Charity is positive Will’s nothing but a womanizing charmer—despite his nice-guy persona and adorable, crooked smile. So why then did she pick him to fake-date to get her parents off her back about being single?

Will Schwartz may give relationships a hard pass, but he’s not about to say no to fake-dating Charity. She’s brilliant, hilarious, and best of all, she’ll put an end to his mother’s interrogations about his love life. And maybe, after all this time giving him the cold shoulder, Charity will finally warm up to him. But it’s not long before Will and Charity realize they got much more than they bargained for--and they’re freaking out. What if what they have isn't make believe but the real, forever kind of love?
There is so much I want to unpack with this story but can't because I'll give too much away. Sometimes it's so hard to keep on the right line of a review. So, I will talk about what I can without give away the spoilers. 

I really enjoyed Will and Charity. They are both nice people full of baggage from their childhoods. I'm not sure which one is worse with it. But even with their issues they are both likable people. You will want to know more about them. 

Will is the sweetest and out of the two the nicest but his issues from his parent's lack of responsibility toward money is a huge one. He doesn't mind falling in love and having a long-lasting relationship but there is no way he wants marriage. I kind of get his feelings but he's gone so far onto the other side that he's unable to see past his fears and see the good his parents shared. This one issue has him locked in.  

Now Charity wants marriage and all that comes with it, but she wants to be careful who she gets with. She has terrible taste in guys so won't date players. It really bugged me that she couldn't see Will for who he was. She kept thinking badly of him and it took a bit for her to believe that he wasn't one of those players. 

A big part of this story is with them fighting the feelings they have for each other and with will worrying about his mom and Charity dealing with her HORRIBLE family. I didn't like them at all. Now them I have so much to say about put will hold that back for you to read it for yourselves. 

I know some of what I said makes the story sound so-so, but it isn't. You want your characters to have flaws. Don't we all? As people they are both so good. They just needed help with the couple part. I do wish the ending wasn't as rushed. But I am happy they found their HEA. 


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