Let's Talk About

This year I want to do a new post on Fridays where we can discuss a particular book, author, or anything I can come up with. This week I want to talk about Julie Garwood. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Have you ever read her historical books
I have read them all. In fact, I read her Ramson once a year. It is my all-time favorite book. I just love it and wish she still wrote historical romance. Now Ransom isn't my only favorite I really love them all. Her humor and touching moments in the stories is what I love about them. Like in Honor's Splendour when she warmed his feet. Or ruined his horse. 

Have you ever read her romantic suspense
I love those too. I think part of what I like about them is the Buchanan family and where they started. (Ramson) I love the humor in those too. Which is funny since someone is usually trying no to die in them. She really needs to write faster. 

Which do you like better historical or romantic suspense
For me its both. I don't which she's writing I'm reading them. They make me happy. Besides her humor I truly enjoy her characters. Of course for me it's her humor that brings those characters to life. I was very lucky to have net her a long time ago and get Heartbreaker signed. I was such a fun evening. For however long she writes I will read her books.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.


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