Feature Friday

Welcome back to #featurefriday. Here's the link to the schedule for our #featurefriday posts. Make sure to also visit Cyndi @ Born to Read Books she too does this post.

This week is #ForFun!

I'll start it off, Which book was turned into a movie did you like and which did you hate?

Love or really liked: Night Sins, which the book is written by Tami Hoag. I really thought they kept pretty close to the book. I didn't even feel like yelling at the tv ones. 

Now to hate. This one still sticks with me. It's called Rose Hill. The book is called For the Roses by Julie Garwood. I enjoy it and the other books that went with it. I HATED Rose Hill! Spent the whole time yelling at the TV. It was so bad that I couldn't watch anything with Jennifer Gardner until a year or so ago. I can really hold a grudge 

Anyone watch either of them?


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