Feature Friday

 Welcome back to #featurefriday. Here's the link to the schedule for our #featurefriday posts. Make sure to also visit Cyndi @ Born to Read Books she too does this post.

This week is about #fallingbehind
I used to love this series and read them right away. I've let myself get 7 behind. I want to make sure to catch up this year. Or at least read as many as I can. Any of you read her?


  1. I love Lynsay Sands. Her vampires are great.

    1. They are. I can't wait to get caught up. I also love her historical's too.

  2. I just LOVE this author, and this series is so fun. I love the more scientific reasoning beind vampires in this series. I do like the later books in the series, but the beginning books I still think are the best. But I do love seeing the growth in the family.

    1. She's one of the few vampire romances that I still read. I just enjoy her writing.


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