Reading Challenge List

I want to make sure to share with you the list of our reading challenges that we do for Book Club Thursday. Here's the link in case you don't know what that is. We'd love for you to join us for our reading challenge. Just pick a challenge, read a book, and share your thoughts about it with us either on our blog or Facebook page.

Clearing Off the Book Shelves 
An author whose books you are +2 behind on 
Read any new to you author 
Any series you are +2 behind on 
Start a new series 
Read a book you’ve had for six months or less 
Read a book you’ve had for over a year 
Read a book you’ve had for over five years 
Read a book you keep meaning to read 

Anything Goes 
Just Because 
Double Dip 
Recommended by 
Second Chance previous read author 
Try again (a book you one gave up on) 
I really tried, but… 

Cover you don’t like 
Mismatch (the cover doesn’t fit the book) 
Trifecta (cover title & book theme =perfection) 
Single Person 
Body Parts (head only, torso only, etc ) 


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