Book Club Thursday
Welcome back to #BookClubThursday!
With it being October we are spending some time talking about paranormal romances. I really enjoy them but have found that I don't read as many as I use. too. Some of that is because a few of the authors I used to read all the time don't write anymore and some I've just pushed down on the pile.
Here are a few of my favorites...
If you follow me you know how much I love Laurenston's books. If you haven't yet read her this is a good time to start. I still love reading Sands. She has 30 books in this series. I'm slightly behind but catching up. I also love Ashley's series. This one is so good. She might not have as many books in her series somewhere around 12. Another of my favorites is Kyle. I love her books and have read most of her series. I'm a little behind on reviewing them and will try to catch up.
Have you read any of these authors?
Here are a few authors that I haven't read in a bit...
It seems like forever since I've read any of these authors. We've been waiting for Munro by Cole for about 3 years. I'm starting to wonder if we ever will get his story. With Leigh, we haven't waited as long it's only been two years and I've heard she's now back to writing. For Warren, it's been 2 years. No clue what's going on with her. The only author in this group to let us know what's going on is Leigh. After the death of her best friend, she had trouble getting back into writing. Like I mentioned she's back at it. Both Cole and Warren haven't said a thing about writing in years. Cole has totally dropped out, you can't find anything about her, and other than tweets (none of them about writing) Warren is MIA. If they aren't going to keep their fans informed then the publishers should. It's not fair or right.
If you know anything about these authors share it with us.
October 15th "Throwback Thursday"
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