Book Club Thursday: Throwback Thursday

Welcome back to Book Club Thursday! 

If you don't know what Book Club Thursday is let me explain, myself along with Born to Read Books once a week does joint posts under the heading Book Club Thursday. It's a lot of fun and I hope you'll join us weekly for it. Today we are doing:

For this post, we are sharing old blog posts from both ourselves and our fellow BCT blogger Cyndi @ Born to Read Books. I love this idea because it allows me to share some of my favorite posts with you again for some, and for the first time for others. 

Since I showed you the first post I ever did I would love to share with you an earlier review. I can't believe how much my style has changed. It took me a while to learn all the ins and outs of blogging. I'm still learning. 

You can see just how far I've come looking at this post. To see the full post here's the link. The sad part is that there isn't much more to it. All I can say is that looking back at my old posts helps to make sure I bring you better and better once in the future. 

March 28th "Reading Challenge"


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