Book Club Thursday: Thursday Rewind "Remember When"

Welcome back to Book Club Thursday! 

Today we are doing our Thursday Rewind: Remember When post. Let me explain to you what that's all about. So we go back to one of our own posts and add something to it. You'll get the link from the prior post so you can go back and read it along with our new thoughts.  

So I decided on doing my post from 3/02/17. It's where I was talking about Book Reviews aka Romantic Times going from print to only digital.

I wrote:

"I can still remember the moment I found out it wasn't going to be in print anymore. It really hurt. For more the 15 years I've been getting them monthly and in fact most likely have all the ones I've bought for the past 15 years plus, still." 

My thoughts now:

To think I wrote that little over a year ago. Since then Book Reviews has closed down their business. One day I was checking out reviews the next I heard was that May was to be their last month for new content. We were told this in mid May, they announced it at their yearly convention. 

I think what shocked me the most is that I just paid for a full year about three months before that. Why would you have people sign back up? The funniest part is that I almost didn't sign up but they kept sending me reminders and when I got the one that said the last one, I did it. 

Now don't get me wrong it was only like $10, but still! And did we  get any kind of refund. Nope, nada! Hell, when my mom passed away earlier last month I cancelled her HGTV magazine and they at least refunded me $4. 

It's not the money really, it's the thought of losing something that's been in your life for a long time. 

July 19th "True Confessions"


  1. Oh I so agree. In fact I blogged about that topic too last year, maybe even on the same day. Lol

    1. I think I remember that. I just need to get out my thoughts on this. Perfect post to do so.

  2. Yeah they should have given refunds.


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