Guest Reviewer: Olivia & the Kite Party

Welcome back to Liv's Corner!

Every so often my 7 year old niece will take over my blog and post a review. Since she's a little to young to set it all up on her own I will join her (which means I do all the work) and we both will review a story that she reads to me. 

This week she read Olivia & the Kite Party (do you notices the theme we've got going?)

How do you fly a kite when there’s no wind? Olivia will find a way! 

It’s a very windy day, so Olivia decides to throw a kite party. After all, windy weather is just perfect for flying kites. But by the time Olivia and her friends have finished making their kites, the wind has gone away. In this Level 1 Ready-to-Read story, creativity saves the day! 

©2012 SLP. OLIVIA™ and © Ian Falconer.

Adapted by: Alex Harvey / Illustrated by: Patrick Spaziante
For Ages: 4 - 6
Simon Spotlight | 24 pages | ISBN 9781442446496 | May 2012 | Grades P - 1 

Liv's thoughts....

The story is about a kite party. I liked the part when they do the party with all the kites. They made their kites out of ribbons, streamers and a bow. At first they didn't go into the sky. To help the kites get into the sky the used a windmill, teepee, canoe paddles, fan and a bicycle. Olivia made a butterfly kite. She painted on a big red O on it. At the end she was able to flew her kite and it's perfect! I feel this is a really great book. :) I enjoyed it so much I would read more Olivia books. 

My thoughts.....

As always I love spending time with my niece. Reading together is a pleasure for me. I'm hoping that by blogging her reading skills get better and better. Today we read Olivia & the Kite Party. (Sigh) Next time we are going to read something without the name Olivia in the title. Haha! As my niece read the story to me I found myself remembering when I tried to fly a kite (it didn't go well). 

Kite flying is part of summer fun. As she read the story I almost found myself wanting to try my hand at making a kite and seeing if we could get it to fly. I'm sure it would have turned into to a mess, but for a minute there we were both into the idea. 

I like books that make you energized into wanting to read more. It's very important that kids are able to read a enjoy something special to them. It's what encourages them to read more. 

My niece will be check this after it posts so please show her so love. She loves seeing comments. I hope the next time she visits you'll stop by. Happy reading!


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