Hot & Haunted by Hart, Hawkeye & DeWylde

I received this book as an ARC from Avon and was happy to be able to read it. I'm a big fan of anthologies because they give you a taste of a few different authors, ones you might not have read before. These authors were a first for me. I haven't read any of them, so I wanted to give them a try. With Halloween right around the corner this is a wonderful book to spend it with. Happy reading!
Nothing Else Matters by Megan Hart
I have a friend that reads her so I was happy to give her a try. The story was good, but not my favorite of the the group.
Pick Me Up by Lauren Hawkeye
I'm not a fan of first person, (in fact I hate it) so I didn't read this story. I knew I couldn't do it justice, and it wouldn't be fair to all parties.
Little Red's Big Bad by Saranna DeWylde
This author too, is a first for me and I found that I really enjoyed her story. I did feel that the ending should have been slightly better, but with saying that, it didn't change how I felt about it. I would read her again.
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